Module Contents#
Accessory method used to compute the digest of an input file-like object |
Accessory method used to compute the digest of an input file-like object |
Accessory method used to compute the digest of an input file |
Recursively yield DirEntry objects for given directory. |
Accessory method used to compute the digest of an input directory, based on the names and digest of the files in the directory |
Accessory method used to compute the digest of an input directory, based on the names and digest of the files in the directory |
- wfexs_backend.utils.digests.DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGORITHM = 'sha256'#
- wfexs_backend.utils.digests.DEFAULT_DIGEST_BUFFER_SIZE = 65536#
- wfexs_backend.utils.digests.stringifyDigest(digestAlgorithm: str, digest: bytes) wfexs_backend.common.Fingerprint #
- wfexs_backend.utils.digests.unstringifyDigest(digestion: wfexs_backend.common.Fingerprint) Tuple[bytes, str] #
- wfexs_backend.utils.digests.hexDigest(digestAlgorithm: str, digest: wfexs_backend.utils.digests.Hexable) wfexs_backend.common.Fingerprint #
- wfexs_backend.utils.digests.stringifyFilenameDigest(digestAlgorithm: str, digest: bytes) wfexs_backend.common.Fingerprint #
- wfexs_backend.utils.digests.nihDigester(digestAlgorithm: str, digest: bytes) wfexs_backend.common.Fingerprint #
- wfexs_backend.utils.digests.ComputeDigestFromObject(obj: Any, digestAlgorithm: str = DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGORITHM, repMethod: FingerprintMethod | RawFingerprintMethod = stringifyDigest) Fingerprint | bytes #
Accessory method used to compute the digest of an input file-like object
- wfexs_backend.utils.digests.ComputeDigestFromFileLike(filelike: IO[bytes], digestAlgorithm: str = DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGORITHM, bufferSize: int = DEFAULT_DIGEST_BUFFER_SIZE, repMethod: FingerprintMethod | RawFingerprintMethod = stringifyDigest) Fingerprint | bytes #
Accessory method used to compute the digest of an input file-like object
- wfexs_backend.utils.digests.ComputeDigestFromFile(filename: wfexs_backend.common.PathLikePath, digestAlgorithm: str = DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGORITHM, bufferSize: int = DEFAULT_DIGEST_BUFFER_SIZE, repMethod: FingerprintMethod | RawFingerprintMethod = stringifyDigest) Fingerprint | bytes | None #
Accessory method used to compute the digest of an input file
- wfexs_backend.utils.digests.compute_sha1_git_from_stream(stream: IO[bytes], length: int, buffer_size: int = DEFAULT_DIGEST_BUFFER_SIZE) hashlib._Hash #
- wfexs_backend.utils.digests.process_dir_entries(dirname: str) Iterator[Tuple[bytes, hashlib._Hash, bytes, bool]] #
- wfexs_backend.utils.digests.scantree(path: wfexs_backend.common.PathLikePath) Iterator[os.DirEntry[str]] #
Recursively yield DirEntry objects for given directory.
- wfexs_backend.utils.digests.ComputeDigestFromDirectory(dirname: wfexs_backend.common.PathLikePath, digestAlgorithm: str = DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGORITHM, bufferSize: int = DEFAULT_DIGEST_BUFFER_SIZE, repMethod: wfexs_backend.utils.digests.FingerprintMethod = stringifyDigest) wfexs_backend.common.Fingerprint #
Accessory method used to compute the digest of an input directory, based on the names and digest of the files in the directory
- wfexs_backend.utils.digests.ComputeDigestFromGeneratedContentList(dirname: wfexs_backend.common.PathLikePath, theValues: Sequence[AbstractGeneratedContent], digestAlgorithm: str = DEFAULT_DIGEST_ALGORITHM, bufferSize: int = DEFAULT_DIGEST_BUFFER_SIZE, repMethod: wfexs_backend.utils.digests.FingerprintMethod = stringifyDigest) wfexs_backend.common.Fingerprint #
Accessory method used to compute the digest of an input directory, based on the names and digest of the files in the directory