Getting Started

WfExS-backend is a Python application and set of libraries acting through a command line program, which fetches and materialize all the elements needed to instantiate a workflow: publically available workflow, workflow engine, software containers and reachable inputs (either public or under controlled access). Elements need to be identified either by URL or a stable permanent identifier (CURIE).

WfExS currently supports only workflows which are written in either Nextflow or CWL. The workflows you want to use can be fetched from one of these places: WorkflowHub, Dockstore and Github (either the URL or the git repository).

This document will give you more information about the installation of the software to get it running.


In this document there is a small section with gearshift specific installation instructions. If you want to install WfExS on gearshift please first read that part and then proceed to the general installation of WfExS.

System requirements

It is recomended to use WfExS on Linux system. WfExS has been tested on the following systems:

  • Ubuntu

  • Gentoo

  • Windows subsystem for Linux 2

  • OPENSuse


If you have problems installing it on a different system please write an issue.


This workflow execution service backend is written for Python 3.7 and later. Follow the installation instructions to get WfExS running in your system.


Before starting the installation process, please check whether your system has all the necessary dependencies. Ensure the following prerequisites are installed:

  • git

  • curl

  • tar

  • gzip

  • build-essential package in Linux systems.

  • python3 (Python 3.7 or later)

  • pip: available in many Linux distributions (Ubuntu packages python3-pip, CentOS EPEL package python-pip), and also as pip Python package.

  • venv: available in many Linux distributions (Ubuntu package python3-venv). In some of them is integrated into the Python 3.5 (or later) installation.


build-essential installation in Linux systems here.

These components are essential for the successful execution of the installation script. Once you have verified and installed all the required dependencies, you can proceed with the installation of WfExS on your system. If any of the dependencies is missing, install them on your system before proceeding further.

“Easy” setup WfExS

The initial step for WfExS installation is cloning the Git repository. Assuming you are in the designated installation location, enter the following command:

git clone

Navigate to the installed software folder and execute the full-installer.bash script. This is an automated installer for an “easy” setup.

cd WfExS-backend

The automated installer handels core dependencies and some supplementary modules, libraries, or tools necessary for the complete functionality of WfExS. It fetches and installs:


Necessary for running Nextflow.


Securing intermediate results.

static bash

Needed to patch buggy bash within singularity containers being run by Nextflow.

static ps

Necessray for Nextflow metrics recopilation.

By default, installation creates and sources a new python virtual environment for WfExS .pyWEenv, unless there is an activated one. If so, the installation is done inside the active virtual environment.

Every time you want to work with WfExS make sure you first activate the python environment.

source "$INSTALLATIONDIR"/WfExS-backend/.pyWEenv/bin/activate

The shell prompt should now start with (.pyWEenv). To test if the installation procedure went well you can try to run the help command:

python -h

If you get the help of the software you know it works!


If Python runtime is upgraded (from version 3.8 to 3.9 or later, for instance), or the main folder is moved to a different location after following these instructions, it may be needed to remove and reinstall the virtual environment.


It is possible to make a basic setup installation with the basic-installer.bash installer. This installer only handels core dependencies. Users will need to install all the additional software dependencies.

Software dependencies

WfExS-backend requires additional software dependencies beyond the core ones to facilitate various stages of the code execution. Depending on your workflow local configuration, it may be necessary to install specific external tools or container technologies. Ensure that these dependencies are properly configured.

Container technologies:


Required when local installation is set up to use Docker. Note that not all combinations of workflow execution engines and secure or paranoid setups support Docker.


Required when local installation is set up to use Podman. Note that not all combinations of workflow execution engines and secure or paranoid setups support Podman.

singularity or apptainer

Required when local installation is set up to use Singularity. Needed version 3.5 or later. Singularity and Apptainer depend on mksquashfs, available in Ubuntu through the squashfs-tools package.

To install singularity or apptainer at WfExS-backend virtual environment (.pyWEenv), if you use Ubuntu Linux, a rootless setup is achieved using either singularity-local-installer.bash or apptainer-local-installer.bash. At most only one of them can be locally installed, because as of September 2022 workflow engines like cwltool or nextflow still use the hardcoded name of singularity. So, the apptainer installer has to create a singularity symlink pointing to apptainer.


Workflow engines prerequisites:


Necessary for running Nextflow. Supported Java versions range from 8 to any version below 15 (Nextflow does not support version 15). Both OpenJDK and Sun implementations should work.

Secure environment:


Securing intermediate results. Tested since version v2.0-beta2; releases provide static binaries.


Securing intermediate results. Tested with versions 1.9.2 and 1.9.5; releases need to be compiled or installed from your distribution.

Secure working directories limitations

Currently, both Nextflow and cwltool support secure and paranoid working directories when no container technology is set up.

  • When singularity / apptainer mode is set up, both Nextflow and cwltool support secure working directories when either singularity was compiled and set up with user namespaces support, or FUSE was set up at the system level in /etc/fuse.conf with the flag user_allow_other.

  • When docker or podman are set up, there is no support for secure or paranoid working directories due technical and architectural limitations.

Development tips

All the development dependencies are declared at dev-requirements.txt and mypy-requirements.txt.

To install development requistites:

python3 -m venv .pyWEenv
source .pyWEenv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip wheel
pip install -r requirements.txt --> this is installed with the basic installer
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
pip install -r mypy-requirements.txt

Gearshift specific installation instructions

The installation is not yet an easybuild recipe, so this procedure describes how you can install it in one of your own folders on gearshift. In order for the software to be installed on gearshift you will first have to load some modules. These modules are also necessary for running the software each time.

The first step of the installation procedure is to make a file with this name enable-WfExS-env.bash so you can just source this file each time you want to work with the software.

touch enable-WfExS-env.bash

This file needs to have the following content:


module load Python/3.7.4-GCCcore-7.3.0-bare GCC/7.3.0-2.30 GCCcore/7.3.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1i-GCCcore-7.3.0

basedir="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
case "$basedir" in

source "$basedir"/WfExS-backend/.pyWEenv/bin/activate

For the installation procedure, make sure you comment out the last line by putting a # at the start of the line.

# source "$basedir"/WfExS-backend/.pyWEenv/bin/activate

Follow the instructions for installing WfExs as described above. When the installation is done you need to reopen enable-WfExS-env.bash file again to remove the # in the last line of the file.

This folder/files will be there after the installation so when you try to source it, you will produce an error. Make sure your file is executable and then source the enable-WfExS-env.bash file.

chmod +x enable-WfExS-env.bash
source enable-WfExS-env.bash

This file loads 3 modules (python 3.7.4 , GCC 7.3.0 and OpenSSL 1.1.1) which are needed for working with WfExS, and it is sourcing the Python environment .pyWEenv which you need loaded everytime you work with WfExs.