General Websites#
Here, we provide links to several websites relevant to WfExS-backend.
WfExS-backend on GitHub: This repository hosts the implementation of WfExS-backend.
WorkflowHub: An online platform serving as a repository for workflows across different domains, fostering collaboration and sharing of scientific workflows.
Nextflow: Nextflow is a popular workflow management system that enables scalable and reproducible scientific workflows. It simplifies the development of complex data pipelines and supports parallel and distributed computing.
Common Workflow Language (CWL) User Guide: CWL is a specification for describing analysis workflows and tools in a way that makes them portable and scalable across different computing environments. This user guide offers comprehensive documentation and guidelines for utilizing CWL effectively.
Research Object Crate (RO-Crate): RO-Crate is a community-driven specification for packaging research data with associated metadata and provenance information, based on annotations in JSON-LD. It facilitates the organization, sharing, and preservation of research data in a structured manner.