Module Contents#
This method processes the cache subcommands, and returns the retval to be used with sys.exit |
This method processes the cache subcommands, and returns the retval to be used with sys.exit |
This method processes the export subcommands, and returns the retval to be used with sys.exit |
- class wfexs_backend.__main__.WfExS_Commands#
- PopulateSideCaches = ('populate-side-caches', 'Populate read-only side caches which live in XDG_CACHE_HOME (shared by all...#
- Init = ('init', 'Init local setup')#
- Cache = ('cache', 'Cache handling subcommands')#
- ConfigValidate = ('config-validate', 'Validate the configuration files to be used for staging and execution')#
- ListFetchers = ('list-fetchers', 'List the supported fetchers / schemes')#
- ListPushers = ('list-exporters', 'List the supported export plugins')#
- ListLicences = ('list-licences',)#
- ListContainerFactories = ('list-container-factories', 'List the supported container factories')#
- ListWorkflowEngines = ('list-workflow-engines', 'List the supported workflow engines')#
- Stage = ('stage', 'Prepare the staging (working) directory for workflow execution, fetching dependencies and...#
- ReStage = ('re-stage', 'Prepare a new staging (working) directory for workflow execution, repeating the fetch ...#
- TryStage = ('try-stage', 'Prepare a workflow in a new staging (working) directory for workflow execution, fetch...#
- MountWorkDir = ('mount-workdir', 'Mount the encrypted staging directory on secure staging scenarios')#
- StagedWorkDir = ('staged-workdir', 'Staged working directories handling subcommands')#
- Import = ('import', 'Workflow Run RO-Crate import into a new staged working directory')#
- Export = ('export', 'Staged working directories export subcommands')#
- ExportStage = ('export-stage', 'Export the staging directory as an RO-Crate')#
- OfflineExecute = ('offline-execute', 'Execute an already prepared workflow in the staging directory')#
- Execute = ('execute', 'Execute the stage + offline-execute + export steps')#
- ExportResults = ('export-results', 'Export the results to a remote location, gathering their public ids')#
- ExportCrate = ('export-crate', 'Export an already executed workflow in the staging directory as an RO-Crate')#
- class wfexs_backend.__main__.WfExS_Cache_Commands#
- List = ('ls', 'List the cache entries')#
- Status = ('status', 'Show the cache entries metadata')#
- Inject = ('inject', 'Inject a new entry in the cache')#
- Fetch = ('fetch', 'Fetch a new cache entry, giving as input both the URI and optionally both a security cont...#
- Remove = ('rm', 'Remove an entry from the cache')#
- Validate = ('validate', 'Validate the consistency of the cache')#
- class wfexs_backend.__main__.WfExS_Staged_WorkDir_Commands#
- OfflineExecute = ('offline-exec', 'Offline execute the staged instances which match the input pattern')#
- OfflineQueueExecute = ('offline-queue', 'Queue offline execution about the staged instances which match the input pattern'...#
- List = ('ls', 'List the staged instances\n\tIt shows the instance id, nickname,\n\tencryption and whether t...#
- Mount = ('mount', 'Mount the staged instances which match the input pattern')#
- Remove = ('rm', 'Removes the staged instances which match the input pattern')#
- Shell = ('shell', 'Launches a command in the workdir\n\tFirst parameter is either the staged instance id or ...#
- Status = ('status', 'Shows staged instances status')#
- CreateStagedROCrate = ('create-staged-crate', 'It creates an RO-Crate from the prospective provenance')#
- CreateProvenanceROCrate = ('create-prov-crate', 'It creates an RO-Crate from the retrospective provenance (after a workflow ex...#
- class wfexs_backend.__main__.WfExS_Export_Commands#
- List = ('ls', 'List the public identifiers obtained from previous export actions')#
- Run = ('run', 'Run the different export actions, pushing the exported content and gathering the obtained p...#
- wfexs_backend.__main__.DEFAULT_LOCAL_CONFIG_RELNAME = 'wfexs_config.yml'#
- wfexs_backend.__main__.LOGGING_FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s - [%(levelname)s] %(message)s'#
- wfexs_backend.__main__.DEBUG_LOGGING_FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s - [%(name)s %(funcName)s %(lineno)d][%(levelname)s] %(message)s'#
- wfexs_backend.__main__.PathArgType = None#
- wfexs_backend.__main__.genParserSub(sp: argparse._SubParsersAction[argparse.ArgumentParser], command: wfexs_backend.__main__.WfExS_Commands, preStageParams: bool = False, postStageParams: bool = False, crateParams: bool = False, exportParams: bool = False) argparse.ArgumentParser #
- wfexs_backend.__main__.processListFetchersCommand(wfBackend: wfexs_backend.wfexs_backend.WfExSBackend, logLevel: int) int #
- wfexs_backend.__main__.processListPushersCommand(wfBackend: wfexs_backend.wfexs_backend.WfExSBackend, logLevel: int) int #
- wfexs_backend.__main__.processListContainerFactoriesCommand(wfBackend: wfexs_backend.wfexs_backend.WfExSBackend, logLevel: int) int #
- wfexs_backend.__main__.processListWorkflowEnginesCommand(wfBackend: wfexs_backend.wfexs_backend.WfExSBackend, logLevel: int) int #
- wfexs_backend.__main__.processListLicencesCommand(wfBackend: wfexs_backend.wfexs_backend.WfExSBackend, logLevel: int) int #
- wfexs_backend.__main__.processCacheCommand(wfBackend: wfexs_backend.wfexs_backend.WfExSBackend, args: argparse.Namespace, logLevel: int) int #
This method processes the cache subcommands, and returns the retval to be used with sys.exit
- wfexs_backend.__main__.processStagedWorkdirCommand(wB: wfexs_backend.wfexs_backend.WfExSBackend, args: argparse.Namespace, loglevel: int) int #
This method processes the cache subcommands, and returns the retval to be used with sys.exit
- wfexs_backend.__main__.processExportCommand(wfInstance: wfexs_backend.workflow.WF, args: argparse.Namespace, loglevel: int) int #
This method processes the export subcommands, and returns the retval to be used with sys.exit
- wfexs_backend.__main__.get_wfexs_argparse() argparse.ArgumentParser #
- wfexs_backend.__main__._get_wfexs_argparse_internal(docgen: bool) Tuple[argparse.ArgumentParser, str] #