


Module Contents#










This method processes the cache subcommands, and returns the retval to be used with sys.exit


This method processes the cache subcommands, and returns the retval to be used with sys.exit


This method processes the export subcommands, and returns the retval to be used with sys.exit






class wfexs_backend.__main__.WfExS_Commands#

Bases: wfexs_backend.common.StrDocEnum

PopulateSideCaches = ('populate-side-caches', 'Populate read-only side caches which live in XDG_CACHE_HOME (shared by all...#
Init = ('init', 'Init local setup')#
Cache = ('cache', 'Cache handling subcommands')#
ConfigValidate = ('config-validate', 'Validate the configuration files to be used for staging and execution')#
ListFetchers = ('list-fetchers', 'List the supported fetchers / schemes')#
ListPushers = ('list-exporters', 'List the supported export plugins')#
ListLicences = ('list-licences',)#
ListContainerFactories = ('list-container-factories', 'List the supported container factories')#
ListWorkflowEngines = ('list-workflow-engines', 'List the supported workflow engines')#
Stage = ('stage', 'Prepare the staging (working) directory for workflow execution, fetching dependencies and...#
ReStage = ('re-stage', 'Prepare a new staging (working) directory for workflow execution, repeating the fetch ...#
TryStage = ('try-stage', 'Prepare a workflow in a new staging (working) directory for workflow execution, fetch...#
MountWorkDir = ('mount-workdir', 'Mount the encrypted staging directory on secure staging scenarios')#
StagedWorkDir = ('staged-workdir', 'Staged working directories handling subcommands')#
Import = ('import', 'Workflow Run RO-Crate import into a new staged working directory')#
Export = ('export', 'Staged working directories export subcommands')#
ExportStage = ('export-stage', 'Export the staging directory as an RO-Crate')#
OfflineExecute = ('offline-execute', 'Execute an already prepared workflow in the staging directory')#
Execute = ('execute', 'Execute the stage + offline-execute + export steps')#
ExportResults = ('export-results', 'Export the results to a remote location, gathering their public ids')#
ExportCrate = ('export-crate', 'Export an already executed workflow in the staging directory as an RO-Crate')#
class wfexs_backend.__main__.WfExS_Cache_Commands#

Bases: wfexs_backend.common.StrDocEnum

List = ('ls', 'List the cache entries')#
Status = ('status', 'Show the cache entries metadata')#
Inject = ('inject', 'Inject a new entry in the cache')#
Fetch = ('fetch', 'Fetch a new cache entry, giving as input both the URI and optionally both a security cont...#
Remove = ('rm', 'Remove an entry from the cache')#
Validate = ('validate', 'Validate the consistency of the cache')#
class wfexs_backend.__main__.WfExS_Staged_WorkDir_Commands#

Bases: wfexs_backend.common.StrDocEnum

OfflineExecute = ('offline-exec', 'Offline execute the staged instances which match the input pattern')#
OfflineQueueExecute = ('offline-queue', 'Queue offline execution about the staged instances which match the input pattern'...#
List = ('ls', 'List the staged instances\n\tIt shows the instance id, nickname,\n\tencryption and whether t...#
Mount = ('mount', 'Mount the staged instances which match the input pattern')#
Remove = ('rm', 'Removes the staged instances which match the input pattern')#
Shell = ('shell', 'Launches a command in the workdir\n\tFirst parameter is either the staged instance id or ...#
Status = ('status', 'Shows staged instances status')#
CreateStagedROCrate = ('create-staged-crate', 'It creates an RO-Crate from the prospective provenance')#
CreateProvenanceROCrate = ('create-prov-crate', 'It creates an RO-Crate from the retrospective provenance (after a workflow ex...#
class wfexs_backend.__main__.WfExS_Export_Commands#

Bases: wfexs_backend.common.StrDocEnum

List = ('ls', 'List the public identifiers obtained from previous export actions')#
Run = ('run', 'Run the different export actions, pushing the exported content and gathering the obtained p...#
wfexs_backend.__main__.DEFAULT_LOCAL_CONFIG_RELNAME = 'wfexs_config.yml'#
wfexs_backend.__main__.LOGGING_FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s - [%(levelname)s] %(message)s'#
wfexs_backend.__main__.DEBUG_LOGGING_FORMAT = '%(asctime)-15s - [%(name)s %(funcName)s %(lineno)d][%(levelname)s] %(message)s'#
wfexs_backend.__main__.PathArgType = None#
wfexs_backend.__main__.genParserSub(sp: argparse._SubParsersAction[argparse.ArgumentParser], command: wfexs_backend.__main__.WfExS_Commands, preStageParams: bool = False, postStageParams: bool = False, crateParams: bool = False, exportParams: bool = False) argparse.ArgumentParser#
wfexs_backend.__main__.processListFetchersCommand(wfBackend: wfexs_backend.wfexs_backend.WfExSBackend, logLevel: int) int#
wfexs_backend.__main__.processListPushersCommand(wfBackend: wfexs_backend.wfexs_backend.WfExSBackend, logLevel: int) int#
wfexs_backend.__main__.processListContainerFactoriesCommand(wfBackend: wfexs_backend.wfexs_backend.WfExSBackend, logLevel: int) int#
wfexs_backend.__main__.processListWorkflowEnginesCommand(wfBackend: wfexs_backend.wfexs_backend.WfExSBackend, logLevel: int) int#
wfexs_backend.__main__.processListLicencesCommand(wfBackend: wfexs_backend.wfexs_backend.WfExSBackend, logLevel: int) int#
wfexs_backend.__main__.processCacheCommand(wfBackend: wfexs_backend.wfexs_backend.WfExSBackend, args: argparse.Namespace, logLevel: int) int#

This method processes the cache subcommands, and returns the retval to be used with sys.exit

wfexs_backend.__main__.processStagedWorkdirCommand(wB: wfexs_backend.wfexs_backend.WfExSBackend, args: argparse.Namespace, loglevel: int) int#

This method processes the cache subcommands, and returns the retval to be used with sys.exit

wfexs_backend.__main__.processExportCommand(wfInstance: wfexs_backend.workflow.WF, args: argparse.Namespace, loglevel: int) int#

This method processes the export subcommands, and returns the retval to be used with sys.exit

wfexs_backend.__main__.get_wfexs_argparse() argparse.ArgumentParser#
wfexs_backend.__main__._get_wfexs_argparse_internal(docgen: bool) Tuple[argparse.ArgumentParser, str]#
wfexs_backend.__main__.main() None#