


Module Contents#






origTaggedName: Symbolic name or identifier of the container

(including tag) which appears in the workflow.

type: Compatible container type with this symbolic name

Container factories have to decide whether they bear with it.


The valid roles come from CASRAI CRediT, and can be visited through{term}/



This tuple is used to describe licences


uri: The uri licence: The licence associated to the dataset behind this URI attributions: The attributions associated to the dataset pointed out by this URI secContext: The optional, security context to use when the uri has to be accessed. This is useful for use cases like DRS, where it can provide the authentication metadata


uri: The uri, which can be either a raw or an annotated one metadata: A dictionary with the metadata associated to that URI. preferredName: A pretty way to name this resource. Workflow


A resolved ORCID


local: Local absolute path of the content which was materialized. It

can be either a path in the cached inputs directory, or an absolute path in the inputs directory of the execution

licensed_uri: Either an URL or a CURIE of the content which was materialized,

needed for the provenance

prettyFilename: The preferred filename to use in the inputs directory

of the execution environment

fingerprint: If it is available, propagate the computed fingerprint

from the cache.

clonable: If it is true, copies of this materialized content can be

performed. Otherwise, content should remain in the original place represented by “local”.


encodingFormat: the kind of content with URIs (currently implemented is text/csv => tabular) setup: The dictionary describing the setup


name: Name of the input values: list of associated values, which can be literal ones or


name: Name of the output. If the workflow engine allows using

symbolic names attached to the outputs, this name must match that. Otherwise, a matching pattern must be defined.


local: Local absolute path of the content which was generated. It

is an absolute path in the outputs directory of the execution.

uri: A putative URL or a CURIE of the content which was generated,

needed for the provenance and upload matters.


local: Local absolute path of the content which was generated. It

is an absolute path in the outputs directory of the execution.

uri: A putative URL or a CURIE of the content which was generated,

needed for the provenance and upload matters.


local: Local absolute path of the content which was generated. It

is an absolute path in the outputs directory of the execution.

uri: A putative URL or a CURIE of the content which was generated,

needed for the provenance and upload matters.

values: The list of contents of the directory, which are either

GeneratedContent or GeneratedDirectoryContent


name: Name of the output. It should be a public identifier whenever it is possible expectedCardinality: Whether it was expected to be optional, a single value or


dir: The path to the directory where the checkout was applied relPath: Inside the checkout, the relative path to the workflow definition effectiveCheckout: hex hash of the materialized checkout langVersion: workflow language version / revision relPathFiles: files and directories composing the workflow, which can be either local or remote ones (i.e. CWL)



The status of a workflow execution







Types of items which can be exported as such


What can be materialized in the RO-Crate




wfexs_backend.common.create_augmented_context(purpose: ssl.Purpose = ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH, *, cafile: str | None = None, capath: str | None = None, cadata: str | bytes | None = None) ssl.SSLContext#
wfexs_backend.common.DEFAULT_DOCKER_CMD = 'cast(...)'#
wfexs_backend.common.DEFAULT_SINGULARITY_CMD = 'cast(...)'#
wfexs_backend.common.DEFAULT_APPTAINER_CMD = 'cast(...)'#
wfexs_backend.common.DEFAULT_PODMAN_CMD = 'cast(...)'#
wfexs_backend.common.DEFAULT_JAVA_CMD = 'cast(...)'#
wfexs_backend.common.DEFAULT_FUSERMOUNT_CMD = 'cast(...)'#
wfexs_backend.common.DEFAULT_DOT_CMD = 'cast(...)'#
wfexs_backend.common.DEFAULT_PROGS: wfexs_backend.common.ProgsMapping = None#
class wfexs_backend.common.EngineMode(*args, **kwds)#

Bases: enum.Enum

Local = 'local'#
Docker = 'docker'#
wfexs_backend.common.DEFAULT_ENGINE_MODE = None#
class wfexs_backend.common.ContentKind(*args, **kwds)#

Bases: enum.Enum

File = 'file'#
Directory = 'dir'#
Value = 'val'#
ContentWithURIs = 'luris'#
class wfexs_backend.common.ContainerType(*args, **kwds)#

Bases: enum.Enum

Singularity = 'singularity'#
Apptainer = 'singularity'#
Docker = 'docker'#
UDocker = 'udocker'#
Podman = 'podman'#
Conda = 'conda'#
NoContainer = 'none'#
class wfexs_backend.common.ContainerTaggedName#
origTaggedName: Symbolic name or identifier of the container

(including tag) which appears in the workflow.

type: Compatible container type with this symbolic name

Container factories have to decide whether they bear with it.

registries: an optional mapping from container type to registry, to be used by different container materialization solutions.

origTaggedName: str = None#
type: wfexs_backend.common.ContainerType = None#
registries: Mapping[ContainerType, str] | None = None#
class wfexs_backend.common.AttributionRole(*args, **kwds)#

Bases: enum.Enum

The valid roles come from CASRAI CRediT, and can be visited through{term}/


Conceptualization = 'conceptualization'#
DataCuration = 'data-curation'#
FormalAnalysis = 'formal-analysis'#
FundingAcquisition = 'funding-acquisition'#
Investigation = 'investigation'#
Methodology = 'methodology'#
ProjectAdministration = 'project-administration'#
Resources = 'resources'#
Software = 'software'#
Supervision = 'supervision'#
Validation = 'validation'#
Visualization = 'visualization'#
WritingOriginalDraft = 'writing-original-draft'#
WritingReviewEditing = 'writing-review-editing'#
class wfexs_backend.common.Attribution#

Bases: typing.NamedTuple

name: str = None#
pid: wfexs_backend.common.URIType = None#
roles: Sequence[AttributionRole] = []#
classmethod ParseRawAttribution(rawAttribution: Mapping[str, Any]) wfexs_backend.common.Attribution#
classmethod ParseRawAttributions(rawAttributions: Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]] | None) Sequence[Attribution]#
wfexs_backend.common.NoLicenceShort: Final[str] = 'notspecified'#
wfexs_backend.common.NoLicence: Final[URIType] = 'cast(...)'#
wfexs_backend.common.DefaultNoLicenceTuple: Tuple[URIType, ...] = ()#
class wfexs_backend.common.LicenceDescription#

Bases: typing.NamedTuple

This tuple is used to describe licences

short: str = None#
uris: Sequence[URIType] = None#
description: str = None#
is_spdx: bool = True#
get_uri() wfexs_backend.common.URIType#
wfexs_backend.common.NoLicenceDescription: Final[LicenceDescription] = 'LicenceDescription(...)'#
wfexs_backend.common.CC_BY_40_LICENCE: Final[str] = 'CC-BY-4.0'#
wfexs_backend.common.CC_BY_40_LicenceDescription: Final[LicenceDescription] = 'LicenceDescription(...)'#
class wfexs_backend.common.LicensedURI#

Bases: typing.NamedTuple

uri: The uri licence: The licence associated to the dataset behind this URI attributions: The attributions associated to the dataset pointed out by this URI secContext: The optional, security context to use when the uri has to be accessed. This is useful for use cases like DRS, where it can provide the authentication metadata

uri: wfexs_backend.common.URIType = None#
licences: Tuple[URIType | LicenceDescription, ...] = None#
attributions: Sequence[Attribution] = []#
secContext: SecurityContextConfig | None = None#
class wfexs_backend.common.URIWithMetadata#

Bases: typing.NamedTuple

uri: The uri, which can be either a raw or an annotated one metadata: A dictionary with the metadata associated to that URI. preferredName: A pretty way to name this resource. Workflow

execution can decide whether to honour it or not

uri: wfexs_backend.common.URIType = None#
metadata: Mapping[str, Any] = None#
preferredName: RelPath | None = None#
class wfexs_backend.common.ResolvedORCID#

Bases: typing.NamedTuple

A resolved ORCID

orcid: The resolved ORCID id url: The URL of the ORCID profile record: The fetched, public ORCID record record_fetch_metadata: Metadata about the resolution process

orcid: str = None#
url: wfexs_backend.common.URIType = None#
record: wfexs_backend.common.ORCIDPublicRecord = None#
record_fetch_metadata: Sequence[URIWithMetadata] = None#
class wfexs_backend.common.MaterializedContent#

Bases: typing.NamedTuple

local: Local absolute path of the content which was materialized. It

can be either a path in the cached inputs directory, or an absolute path in the inputs directory of the execution

licensed_uri: Either an URL or a CURIE of the content which was materialized,

needed for the provenance

prettyFilename: The preferred filename to use in the inputs directory

of the execution environment

fingerprint: If it is available, propagate the computed fingerprint

from the cache.

clonable: If it is true, copies of this materialized content can be

performed. Otherwise, content should remain in the original place represented by “local”.

local: wfexs_backend.common.PathlibLike = None#
licensed_uri: wfexs_backend.common.LicensedURI = None#
prettyFilename: wfexs_backend.common.RelPath = None#
kind: wfexs_backend.common.ContentKind = None#
metadata_array: Sequence[URIWithMetadata] | None = None#
extrapolated_local: PathlibLike | None = None#
fingerprint: Fingerprint | None = None#
clonable: bool = True#
classmethod _mapping_fixes(orig: Mapping[str, Any], workdir: pathlib.Path | None) Mapping[str, Any]#
classmethod _key_fixes() Mapping[str, str]#
class wfexs_backend.common.ContentWithURIsDesc#

Bases: typing.NamedTuple

encodingFormat: the kind of content with URIs (currently implemented is text/csv => tabular) setup: The dictionary describing the setup

encodingFormat: str = None#
setup: wfexs_backend.common.ContentWithURIsSetup = None#
class wfexs_backend.common.MaterializedInput#

Bases: typing.NamedTuple

name: Name of the input values: list of associated values, which can be literal ones or

instances from MaterializedContent

name: wfexs_backend.common.SymbolicParamName = None#
values: wfexs_backend.common.MaterializedInputValues = None#
secondaryInputs: Sequence[MaterializedContent] | None = None#
autoFilled: bool = False#
implicit: bool = False#
contentWithURIs: ContentWithURIsDesc | None = None#
disclosable: bool = True#
class wfexs_backend.common.ExpectedOutput#

Bases: typing.NamedTuple

name: Name of the output. If the workflow engine allows using

symbolic names attached to the outputs, this name must match that. Otherwise, a matching pattern must be defined.

kind: The kind of output. Either an atomic value. preferredFilename: Relative “pretty” name which is going to be used

to export the file to external storage.

cardinality: Whether it is expected to be optional, a single value or

multiple ones.

glob: When the workflow engine does not use symbolic

names to label the outputs, this is the filename pattern to capture the local path, based on the output / working directory.

syntheticOutput: It is true for outputs which do not really exist either as parameter or explicit outputs.

name: wfexs_backend.common.SymbolicOutputName = None#
kind: wfexs_backend.common.ContentKind = None#
preferredFilename: RelPath | None = None#
cardinality: Tuple[int, int] = None#
fillFrom: SymbolicParamName | None = None#
glob: GlobPattern | None = None#
syntheticOutput: bool | None = None#
_marshall() MutableMapping[str, Any]#
classmethod _unmarshall(**obj: Any) wfexs_backend.common.ExpectedOutput#
class wfexs_backend.common.AbstractGeneratedContent#

Bases: abc.ABC

local: Local absolute path of the content which was generated. It

is an absolute path in the outputs directory of the execution.

uri: A putative URL or a CURIE of the content which was generated,

needed for the provenance and upload matters.

signature: Computed checksum from the file preferredFilename: The preferred relative filename to use when it is

uploaded from the computational environment

local: wfexs_backend.common.PathlibLike = None#
signature: Fingerprint | None = None#
uri: LicensedURI | None = None#
preferredFilename: RelPath | None = None#
classmethod _mapping_fixes(orig: Mapping[str, Any], workdir: pathlib.Path | None) Mapping[str, Any]#
class wfexs_backend.common.GeneratedContent#

Bases: wfexs_backend.common.AbstractGeneratedContent

local: Local absolute path of the content which was generated. It

is an absolute path in the outputs directory of the execution.

uri: A putative URL or a CURIE of the content which was generated,

needed for the provenance and upload matters.

signature: Computed checksum from the file preferredFilename: The preferred relative filename to use when it is

uploaded from the computational environment

secondaryFiles: Sequence[AbstractGeneratedContent] | None = None#
class wfexs_backend.common.GeneratedDirectoryContent#

Bases: wfexs_backend.common.AbstractGeneratedContent

local: Local absolute path of the content which was generated. It

is an absolute path in the outputs directory of the execution.

uri: A putative URL or a CURIE of the content which was generated,

needed for the provenance and upload matters.

values: The list of contents of the directory, which are either

GeneratedContent or GeneratedDirectoryContent

signature: Optional computed checksum from the directory preferredFilename: The preferred relative filename to use when it is

uploaded from the computational environment

values: Sequence[AbstractGeneratedContent] | None = None#
secondaryFiles: Sequence[AbstractGeneratedContent] | None = None#
class wfexs_backend.common.MaterializedOutput#

Bases: typing.NamedTuple

name: Name of the output. It should be a public identifier whenever it is possible expectedCardinality: Whether it was expected to be optional, a single value or

multiple ones.

local: Local absolute path of the output prettyFilename: Relative “pretty” name to be used in provenance

name: wfexs_backend.common.SymbolicOutputName = None#
kind: wfexs_backend.common.ContentKind = None#
expectedCardinality: Tuple[int, int] = None#
values: Sequence[bool] | Sequence[str] | Sequence[int] | Sequence[float] | Sequence[AbstractGeneratedContent] = None#
syntheticOutput: bool | None = None#
filledFrom: str | None = None#
glob: GlobPattern | None = None#
class wfexs_backend.common.LocalWorkflow#

Bases: typing.NamedTuple

dir: The path to the directory where the checkout was applied relPath: Inside the checkout, the relative path to the workflow definition effectiveCheckout: hex hash of the materialized checkout langVersion: workflow language version / revision relPathFiles: files and directories composing the workflow, which can be either local or remote ones (i.e. CWL)

dir: wfexs_backend.common.PathlibLike = None#
relPath: RelPath | None = None#
effectiveCheckout: RepoTag | None = None#
langVersion: EngineVersion | WFLangVersion | None = None#
relPathFiles: Sequence[RelPath | URIType] | None = None#
classmethod _mapping_fixes(orig: Mapping[str, Any], workdir: pathlib.Path | None) Mapping[str, Any]#
class wfexs_backend.common.StagedSetup#

Bases: typing.NamedTuple

instance_id: wfexs_backend.common.WfExSInstanceId = None#
container_type: wfexs_backend.common.ContainerType = None#
nickname: str | None = None#
creation: datetime.datetime = None#
workflow_config: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None#
engine_tweaks_dir: pathlib.Path | None = None#
raw_work_dir: pathlib.Path = None#
work_dir: pathlib.Path | None = None#
workflow_dir: pathlib.Path | None = None#
consolidated_workflow_dir: pathlib.Path | None = None#
inputs_dir: pathlib.Path | None = None#
extrapolated_inputs_dir: pathlib.Path | None = None#
outputs_dir: pathlib.Path | None = None#
intermediate_dir: pathlib.Path | None = None#
containers_dir: pathlib.Path | None = None#
meta_dir: pathlib.Path | None = None#
temp_dir: pathlib.Path = None#
secure_exec: bool = None#
allow_other: bool = None#
is_encrypted: bool = None#
is_damaged: bool = None#
class wfexs_backend.common.ExecutionStatus(*args, **kwds)#

Bases: enum.Enum

The status of a workflow execution


Queued = 'queued'#
Running = 'running'#
Finished = 'finished'#
Died = 'died'#
class wfexs_backend.common.MarshallingStatus#

Bases: typing.NamedTuple

pid: str | None = None#
workflow_type: str | None = None#
container_type: ContainerType | None = None#
config: bool | datetime.datetime | None = None#
stage: bool | datetime.datetime | None = None#
execution: bool | datetime.datetime | None = None#
export: bool | datetime.datetime | None = None#
execution_stats: Sequence[Tuple[str, ExecutionStatus, datetime.datetime | None, datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime, ExitVal]] | None = None#
export_stamps: Sequence[datetime.datetime] | None = None#
__repr__() str#
wfexs_backend.common.DEFAULT_CONTAINER_TYPE = None#
wfexs_backend.common.META_JSON_POSTFIX: Final[str] = '_meta.json'#
exception wfexs_backend.common.AbstractWfExSException#

Bases: Exception

class wfexs_backend.common.ArgTypeMixin(*args, **kwds)#

Bases: enum.Enum

classmethod argtype(s: str) enum.Enum#
__str__() str#
class wfexs_backend.common.StrDocEnum#

Bases: str, wfexs_backend.common.ArgTypeMixin

description: str = None#
__new__(value: Any, description: str = '') wfexs_backend.common.StrDocEnum#
__str__() str#
class wfexs_backend.common.ArgsDefaultWithRawHelpFormatter(prog, indent_increment=2, max_help_position=24, width=None)#

Bases: argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter

_split_lines(text: str, width: int) List[str]#

Formats the given text by splitting the lines at ‘


Overrides argparse.HelpFormatter._split_lines function.

param text:

help text passed by ArgumentParser.HelpFormatter

param width:

console width passed by argparse.HelpFormatter


argparse.HelpFormatter._split_lines function

with new split text argument.

class wfexs_backend.common.CacheType#

Bases: wfexs_backend.common.StrDocEnum

Input = ('input', 'Cached or injected inputs')#
ROCrate = ('ro-crate', 'Cached RO-Crates (usually from WorkflowHub)')#
TRS = ('ga4gh-trs', 'Cached files from tools described at GA4GH TRS repositories')#
Workflow = ('workflow', 'Cached workflows, which come from a git repository')#
class wfexs_backend.common.ExportItemType(*args, **kwds)#

Bases: enum.Enum

Types of items which can be exported as such


Param = 'param'#
Environment = 'envvar'#
Output = 'output'#
WorkingDirectory = 'working-directory'#
StageCrate = 'stage-rocrate'#
ProvenanceCrate = 'provenance-rocrate'#
class wfexs_backend.common.CratableItem#

Bases: enum.IntFlag

What can be materialized in the RO-Crate


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

Workflow = 'auto(...)'#
Containers = 'auto(...)'#
Inputs = 'auto(...)'#
Outputs = 'auto(...)'#
ProspectiveProvenance = None#
RetrospectiveProvenance = None#
wfexs_backend.common.NoCratableItem = 'CratableItem(...)'#